Many of the services we provide require UAS/RPA specific experience or knowledge. Much of the general IT support services we provide are just that.
However, our understanding of how these systems are used in an operational environment allow us to maintain the critical IT systems without negative impact to the UAS/RPA missions. The highly classified nature of these programs, requires the ISSOs, SSOs and FSOs to have the unique knowledge we have.
Both operational and training missions require airspace coordination and scheduling. We provide this as well as overseeing and documenting training status and unit progress in the Central Scheduling Enterprise (CSE) and Patriot Excalibur (PEX).
Our RPA/UAS expertise also extends into JT&E where we provide technical support and expertise in testing new Tactics, Techniques and Procedures and system updates.
- Classified General IT and network support
- Full Motion Video Support
- Security expertise – ISSO, SSO, FSO
- Operational and Technical Subject Matter Expertise
- Subject Matter Analysts
- Airspace Reservation (CSE)
- Scheduling for Airspace and Training system usage (PEX)